Zulal Voskehat 2021 White

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Buy Zulal Voskehat 2021 White
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Voskehat is an ancient white variety indigenous to Armenia. It results in fuller bodied wine with flavors of stone fruits, flowers and delicate notes of herbs.

This is a dry, medium-to-full bodied wine with aromas of ripe apple, pear and honeysuckle balanced by a crisp, savory herb backbone. Pale golden yellow in color, it has a long finish and a pleasing minerality.

Crisp enough to be at home with a salad of arugula leaves with a simple dressing, but weighty enough to accompany roasted white fleshed fish, herb crusted chicken, or grilled eggplant served with chopped green herbs.

Variety: 100% Voskehat
Alc.: 13,5%

Categories: White,Zulal
  • Volume:750 ml
    Appelation:Vayotz Dzor
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Zulal Voskehat 2021 White